Dean B Hathaway
Design Services
Hathaway Humorables
Hathaway Humorables is a humorous illustrative endeavor that I've been doing on the side for years. Some of the work has been shown in galleries and others have been freelance projects. Others are just doodles and sketchbook entries.
It's wonderful when this type of work can be used commercially but for the fine (vs. commercial) artist in me, it is an outlet that I enjoy in the goal of helping us look at life through a lense that is not so serious, much like a stand-up comedian would do his/her act on stage. Humor, when appropriately used, adds a stimulating element to integrate into design for art's sake to drive home the intended message.
"Once you can accept the universe as matter expanding into nothing that is something, wearing stripes with plaid comes easy."
– Albert Einstein
More samples coming soon...